Give where?
Lyford Cay Foundations is a partnership of two distinct legal entities: Lyford Cay Foundation Inc., and The Canadian Lyford Cay Foundation.
Donors who can use and request a charitable tax receipt for income tax purposes in the United States will want to give to Lyford Cay Foundation, Inc.
Donors who can use and request a charitable tax receipt for income tax purposes in Canada will want to give to The Canadian Lyford Cay Foundation.
Others may choose where to donate in accordance with their affinity for supporting one or the other giving vehicle, while knowing that all donations to Lyford Cay Foundations support education opportunities for Bahamians.
Give what?
Lyford Cay Foundation, Inc. and The Canadian Lyford Cay Foundation welcome gifts of cash and of securities in Bahamian, American and Canadian dollars.
We also welcome planned gifts and encourage donors to reach out to us for more information about the role planned giving can play in estate planning.

Give how?
Donors are welcome to donate online to either Lyford Cay Foundation, Inc. or The Canadian Lyford Cay Foundation. Online donations are typically part of our annual fund drive and serve to support all our programmes.
Donors may also mail in their donation by making their cheque payable either to Lyford Cay Foundation, Inc., or The Canadian Lyford Cay Foundation and sending to an address below.
Give to?
Lyford Cay Foundation, Inc. or The Canadian Lyford Cay Foundation
P.O. Box N 7776
Nassau, N.P.
The Bahamas
Templeton Global Advisors Building
Western Road
Nassau, N.P.
The Bahamas
T. 242.362.4910
F. 212.682.9380
Lyford Cay Foundation, Inc.
c/o Gilbride, Tusa, Last & Spellane LLC
31 Brookside Drive
P.O. Box 658
Greenwich, CT 06836 USA
Attn: E. Parker Neave, Secretary
T. 203.622.9360
F. 203.622.9392
The Canadian Lyford Cay Foundation
c/o Stern Cohen Accountants
45 Saint Clair Avenue West, Suite 1400
Toronto, ON M4V 1L3, Canada
ATTN: Laura Gay
T. 877.265.2942
F. 416.967.4372
What next?
We thank our donors directly and we recognize all donors in our Annual Report, unless the donor has requested to remain anonymous.
We issue appropriate tax receipts to donors who can use them early in the new year.
We thank you for considering making a donation and hope you will keep us in the list of your favourite charities as we work to support the dreams of Bahamians for a better tomorrow for all.
Thank you!
Donors interested in planned giving*, in making a wire transfer, or in specially directing their gift to one of our programmes should get in touch with the Executive Director, Dr. Nicola Virgill-Rolle to explore opportunities:
*CLCF assesses a 1% fee for managed funds.
Honour/Memorial Gifts: The names and mailing addresses of donors of memorial or honour gifts may be released to the honouree, the next of kin or individual(s) designated by the immediate family, unless otherwise specified by the donor. The amount of your gift will not be disclosed. No information will be released if the donor wishes to remain anonymous. Should a donor wish to remain anonymous, please email
Donate Online
- Use our secure online donation page to choose the Lyford Cay Foundation you wish to support
- Make a donation
Donor Recognition
- Visionaries
- Donations of
- $100,000
- or more
- Ambassadors
- Donations from
- $50,000
- to
- $99,999
- Benefactors
- Donations from
- $10,000
- to
- $49,999
- Patrons
- Donations from
- $5,000
- to
- $9,999
- Associates
- Donations from
- $1,000
- to
- $4,999
- Friends
- Donations up to
- $999