About Us
Every Bahamian is empowered to reach his or her full potential.
Investing in learning opportunities for Bahamian children, families, young adults and communities who will benefit from them the most.

Who is Lyford Cay Foundations?
Lyford Cay Foundations is a philanthropic organization with deep roots in the Lyford Cay community. It is a partnership of two distinct legal entities: Lyford Cay Foundation, Inc. and The Canadian Lyford Cay Foundation, registered public charities in the United States and in Canada respectively. Lyford Cay Foundations believes that increasing educational attainment across the country is key to the development of a prosperous, healthy and peaceful Bahamas.
Since 1969, Lyford Cay Foundations has disbursed more than $50 million in the Bahamian community through our programmes which are aimed at providing learning opportunities for Bahamian children, young adults, families and communities who will benefit the most.
We are disciplined in what we fund, how we deliver our programmes, how we measure results, and we adapt to changing times. We are committed to acting with integrity and transparency, and to being excellent stewards of our donors, their gifts, and all whom we serve.
We rely entirely on the generosity of our donors to carry out our work of transforming lives through education.
- 1969-1978
- In 1969, Robert Blum and William Robbins form ‘The American Friends of The Bahamas’.
In 1979, the name of the organization is changed to Lyford Cay Foundation, Inc.
The first grant is awarded to the Crippled Children’s Committee in 1970.
The Canadian Lyford Cay Foundation is incorporated in 1977.
- In 1969, Robert Blum and William Robbins form ‘The American Friends of The Bahamas’.
- 1979-1988
- In 1981,The Canadian Lyford Cay Foundation makes its first grant to the Stapledon School.
In 1984, the post-secondary scholarships programme is launched and 10 scholarships are awarded. Challenge grants by Royal Little, the Little and the Boren families help to raise $400,000 for scholarships.
In 1987, 80 undergraduate scholarships of $2,500 are awarded.
- In 1981,The Canadian Lyford Cay Foundation makes its first grant to the Stapledon School.
- 1989-1998
- In 1990, the first endowment fund-raising campaign is launched and new graduate scholarships are made available.
In 1994, the Technical Training and Vocational Scholarship Fund is established.
In 1995, 24 new technical and vocational scholarships of $3,000 are awarded.
In 1996, A 5-year $5M campaign is launched to support scholarships at the College of The Bahamas. More than 200 scholarships are awarded.
- In 1990, the first endowment fund-raising campaign is launched and new graduate scholarships are made available.
- 1999-2008
- In 1999, A 5-year $5M College of The Bahamas Library campaign is launched.
In 2005, Academic and technical and vocational scholarships increase in value to $7,500.
- In 1999, A 5-year $5M College of The Bahamas Library campaign is launched.
- 2009-2018
- FOCUS, a new enrichment programme aimed at primary school students who would be first-in-family to attend post-secondary education is launched in 2011.
In 2011, The Harry C. Moore Library of the University of The Bahamas opens.
In 2014, the Board confirms its vision and mission to support education.
- FOCUS, a new enrichment programme aimed at primary school students who would be first-in-family to attend post-secondary education is launched in 2011.
- 2019
CELEBRATING 50 YEARS- 3,000 donors
$80M donated
$50M disbursed
$23M US assets
$16M CAD assets
≃3, 000 college graduates
270 FOCUS students
250 Bahamian non-profit groups supported
- 3,000 donors
- • • • • • •
The Lyford Cay Foundations’ programmes and day-to-day functions are run by a highly capable team with years of non-profit management experience.
To date, more than
$50 million
has been invested in the lives of Bahamians.
- Chairman
Lyford Cay Foundation, Inc. - President
Lyford Cay Foundation, Inc. - Vice President
Lyford Cay Foundation, Inc. - Treasurer
Lyford Cay Foundation, Inc. - Chairman
The Canadian Lyford Cay Foundation - Treasurer
The Canadian Lyford Cay Foundation - Executive Director
Lyford Cay Foundations

- Chairman
Lyford Cay Foundation, Inc. - Basil P. Goulandris
- “Education is the foundation of every society. It is freedom and power; it builds character and is the key to success in life. Personally, there is nothing more rewarding than supporting a cause that betters humanity.”
- President
Lyford Cay Foundation, Inc. - Judith Whitehead
- Vice Chair
Lyford Cay Foundation, Inc. - Sarah A. Farrington
- Treasurer
Lyford Cay Foundation, Inc. - John T. Crone IV
- “Education liberates individuals, builds communities and improves the foundations of society, and without its broad reach we all suffer. For nearly 50 years, LCF has been impactful at ensuring education for our young people, and I am proud to be a part of it.”
- Chairman
The Canadian Lyford Cay Foundation - Mary Filippelli Hall
- Treasurer
The Canadian Lyford Cay Foundation - Gregory A. Nihon
- “My vision for The Bahamas involves a new generation of worldly, well-educated and confident citizens, my children among them, living in a safe and progressive tropical paradise.”
- Executive Director
Lyford Cay Foundations - Dr. Nicola Virgill-Rolle
Lyford Cay Foundation
Lyford Cay Foundation, Inc is a registered 501c3 charity in the United States.
Federal I.D. # 23-7025275
State Registration: 041714-00
Basil P. Goulandris
John T. Crone, IV
Lady Camille Barnett
Jeff Everett
Matt Meehan
Robin Symonette
Sarah A. Farrington
E. Parker Neave
Saskia D’Aguilar
Ian D. Fair
Nancy Kelly
Patricia Thomson Leonard
Judith Whitehead
Nicola Virgill-Rolle
Robin D’Alessandro
Jennifer Flanagan
Susan Sandford
Wendy Warren
Ambassador Frank Crothers
Norma T. Dana
Penelope Dauphinot
Gundel S. Dorrance
Arthur D. Little
Sir Orville Turnquest
The Canadian Lyford Cay Foundation
The Canadian Lyford Cay Foundation is a Canadian charity governed under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act 2014-08-21.
CRA BN/Registration #11921 9301 RR0001
Mary Filippelli Hall
Julie Carmichael Norton
Ambassador Frank Crothers
Stuart Dunn
Robert Smith
Catharina Birchall
Bruno Meier
Basil P. Goulandris
Gregory Nihon
Barbara Ann Bernard
Deborah Chant
Brendan Dunn
Michael Sifton
Ross A. McDonald
Nicola Virgill-Rolle
Tyler Proud
Martha Rogers
Patricia Thomson Leonard
What does the Lyford Cay Foundations do?

Lyford Cay Foundations raises funds to develop, implement and support programmes that align with our mission.
We are a private philanthropic organization with a 50-year history of impact in The Bahamas. Lyford Cay Foundation, Inc. and The Canadian Lyford Cay Foundation, our incorporated entities, were established in 1969 and 1977, respectively.
Since 1969 more than $80 million has been donated to towards our vision of supporting Bahamians to reach their full potential through education.
Through a variety of programmes, Lyford Cay Foundations assists children in school as they prepare for college, students leaving high school with scholarships to attend college in The Bahamas and internationally, and community organisations providing learning opportunities.
Our impact
Lyford Cay Foundations relies entirely on the generosity of our donors – like-minded individuals, corporations and private grant-making organizations – to carry out our work of transforming lives through education.
invested into the
lives of Bahamians
since 1969.

- 3000
- College Graduates
- benefited from

- 270
- College Access
Students - will be 1st in family
to attend college

- ~250
- Bahamian
non-profits - supported to expand
community impact

- 3000
- College Graduates
- Benefited from Scholarships

- 270
- College Access
Students - in grades 5-12 served

- ~250
- Bahamian
non-profits - served
- 1 of 2
Learn more about us in our latest publications.
Annual Reports
Donor Family

Our work is made possible only by our generous donors. Every gift made goes toward transforming the lives of Bahamians through education and opportunity. Thank you!
Whether you live in The Bahamas year-round or enjoy the beauty of the islands for a season, you believe that increasing access to higher education is key to developing a prosperous, healthy and peaceful country for all. We cannot thank you enough for your belief in our mission and for trusting us with your donations.
Our Programmes
- choose a programme
- Scholarships
- Focus
- Community Grants
- For students
- Scholarships
- Partial awards offered to qualified Bahamian high-school graduates for post-secondary study internationally.
- Learn more
- Awards are for undergraduate, graduate, and technical and vocational study.
- Awards are renewable year over year given a required GPA is maintained.
- Largest private funder of scholarships in The Bahamas.
- On average, 30-35 new scholarships are awarded annually for international study.
Most frequent questions and answers
How can my child apply to FOCUS?
Your child must in grade four in one of six Northwest New Providence public schools, and must attend an application session with a parent or guardian.
What if my child does not attend a Northwest New Providence primary school?
Unfortunately, there are only six schools from which we accept
applications for FOCUS students.
See more
Who completes the FOCUS application form?
Both the child and the parent/guardian must complete FOCUS application forms.
What grade child grade does my child have to be in to apply to FOCUS?
Your child must be in grade four to apply to FOCUS
Love The Bahamas
through your philanthropy!
Invest in young people whose dreams exceed their means. Invest in the resiliency of communities who support one another.
Invest in the development and sustainability
of our beautiful Bahamas.

- Use our secure online donation page below
- Make a donation